Availability updated April 8, 2023
Local grower must sell 1,463 perennials, shrubs, hydrangeas, trees this weekend!
Friday - Saturday - Sunday in Oklahoma City
Right now is the ideal time to buy plants that you want to enjoy in your landscape for years to come. These plants are hardy and not picked over. They are fast growing and either beautiful or delicious or both. We have an excellent selection of the items listed here, all only $7.97 each, this weekend 10am-3pm. Do we have more variety? Sure do, come see. These are what look fantastic right now and are a for real deal at only $7.97 each.
Phantom Hydrangea, only $7.97 each! Phantom is a spectacular panicle Sun Hydrangea, huge white flower clusters and an excellent bloomer.
Silver Dollar Hydrangea! Only $7.97 each. Excellent blooming famous sun hydrangea and the plants that we have right now are a steal at $7.97 each.
Chantilly Lace Hydrangea! $7.97 each, these can handle the sun. Also Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora "Pee Gee" hydrangea, a great summer hedge. Still $7.97.
Lilac, $7.97 each, also known as Old fashioned French lilac, the kind your grandmother used to have. We have two varieties, the large French lilac and the compact Korean lilac 'Miss Kim'. Just outstanding. Plant them in sun too.
White flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) prefers some shade, like Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis).
Murray Cypress screening trees grow 3'+ in a year. Folks plant them 5" apart for privacy. Imagine the calm of blocking out the neighbor you don't want to see anymore with beautiful fast growing trees. Bald Cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) grows just as tall and so tough you'll see them planted in the parking lots and in low areas in the parks.
Wide Brim Hosta, sun tolerant and thick, $7.97 each. Bright Red Dianthus pinks. Carex appalachica sedge for part sun
I haven't gotten to the perennials yet. Spring sales get real busy so please do you and me both a favor and print this and circle what you want with a red or a blue pen. I might be dating myself. Does anyone still use a printer?
All Daylilies are $7.97 each. L to R here are Rosa Bellini, Buttered Popcorn, Mini Pearl, and Bumblebee. I have a lot more varieties, it's kind of a problem.
Spring sale weekends start THIS FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY, April 14-15-16, 2023.
Where is this place? It's a house. 113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129
All perennials $7.97 each.
Firewitch Dianthus opened first week of April this year! Cutting on it helps it bloom even more.
All perennials $7.97 each.
There are so many different plants here, I can't list them all but let me try some more.
Fothergilla x Mt Airy Witch Alder
White Forsythia
Ozark Witch Hazel
Korean Spice Viburnum
Snowball Viburnum x juddii
Fragrant Viburnum x burkwoodii
Moonshine Yarrow
June bearing and everbearing Instant Strawberry Patch
Thornless blackberry
Variegated Japanese sedge
Appalachian sedge
Cafe au Lait Dahlia
All perennials $7.97 each.
Snow Rose Variegated Jasmine
Coloratus Wintercreeper
Honeybells Buttonbush
Black Locust
'Dark Towers' Penstemon
'Melting Fire' Heuchera
All Gold Melissa officinalis Citronella Balm
Cornflowers and Coneflowers
Spring sale weekends start THIS FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY, April 14-15-16, 2023. 10am - 3pm
Where is this place? It's a house. Put this in your maps: Root Shrubs, 113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129
We work hard to offer the best plants we can for the price that grow well here in our area. If you have some plant containers around, I'd really appreciate you bringing them when you come to the huge plant sale, so I can reuse the single use plastic.
I have at least three Rose of Sharon sterile double cultivars around here. Lucy, Morning Star, and I don’t remember the other one. Know why? Because I just forget things. They are really nice for sun or even part shade and bloom for months.
A lot of the plants we grow here are either great for nectar or pollen, or are great for cut flowers. Above are peony and dahlia. Below, do you know these flowers? (answers below)
Pink: Thornless blackberry. Cream: Okra. White: Magnolia.
Do we have other plants? Oh yes we sure do! But I am not going to list them all here.
Would you like to know exactly what we have? Get in the car and come see. Some times the Facebook Message thing works but not in April or May, it's just TOO busy here!
Don’t call me, don’t message me, I can't see the phone in the sunlight, just come and see.
HUGR PLANT SALE $7.97 - THIS FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY, April 14-15-16, 2023. 10am - 3pm
Here's the part where I have to explain that I don't use my phone. Is that too crazy? It doesn't work with my life especially in spring. I know, I know, that's not how Facebook pages works, but in my world my response time is in-person. This is a family business and family comes first.
So what do you do? What are you waiting for? Get in the car and grab mama, she wants some plants too, and come and see. It's a house. Put this in your maps: Root Shrubs, 113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129.
113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129. Cash or card, Paypal or cashapp.