Availability updated June 19, 2023. Happy Juneteenth!
Local grower must sell 1,834 perennials, shrubs, and trees THIS WEEKEND in Oklahoma City
Summer is here! Right now is still the ideal time to buy plants that you want to enjoy in your landscape for years to come. These plants are hardy and want to live here. They are fast growing and either beautiful or delicious or both. We have an excellent selection of the items listed here, all only $7.97 each, 10am-2pm, this Thursday June 22, Friday June 23 and Saturday June 24. Do we have more variety? Sure do, come see. These are what look fantastic right now and are a for real deal at only $7.97 each.

White Spider Lily Plant sale! Golden Echinacea

Café au Lait Dahlias (left), only $7.97 each! Cafe au Lait is a spectacular decorative dahlia, huge flowers in fall and an excellent tuber producer.
Lavender Ruffles dahlias (right), pre sprouted in 3 quart round pots! These are really vigorous!
Dahlias are native to this continent, the national flower of Mexico, and grow much like potatoes or tomatoes in full sun. Dahlias are edible! You plant outside after last frost in May and can take off the side blooms for a bigger dinnerplate flower (like tomatoes). Our tubers have been outside for a month now and have lovely sprouts ready to transplant. (Yes, you can grow dahlias in containers - try fabric pots!)

Chantilly Lace Hydrangea, no these aren't the shady blue types. Just $7.97 very well branched Hydrangea paniculata 'Shantilly Lace' for SUN! Yes, that means you can plant them in full sun, or part sun and enjoy them for years. Still $7.97 until they sell out again.

These are all sun hydrangea, Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora is known as "Pee Gee Pink" -- and fantastic for training into a tree (by pruning). Give them at least 6 hours of sun for a beautiful summer hedge. Gorgeous dried or cut flowers.

If you are not growing buttonbush, you need to come here and get you a couple. This might be the perfect native shrub. Likes part sun to part shade, (most conditions: 2-8 hours of sun) and can deal with both clay and standing water, grows happily and responds well to hard pruning if you like that sort of thing :D.
Called "Honey Balls" cause it is fantastic for beekeepers -- most nectar per square inch -- loaded with bees, or buttonbush cause the flowers are 1" wide and spheres like homemade cloth buttons. It is going to eventually be a small tree, but won't mind at all if you shear it up to the size you want. Also another good one to prune into a tree form. Your fancy neighbor might have a Japanese red maple but YOU will have a similarly sized small tree that is covered in pollinators June through August.
Cephalanthus occidentalis

Yes, we have MORE native trees!
Plant a tree, Choose from:
White flowering dogwood (Cornus florida)
Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis)
thorny Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia)
Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Willow Oak (Quercus phellos)

White Dogwood trees flower in spring and what look like 4 petal flowers are actually the bracts in a cross shape. See? Just $7.97.

Eastern Redbud (or we call her Mrs. Redbud) flowers gorgeously early in spring in parking lots all over. If you are near a Walgreens, they probably have a redbud :) It's cause they are so tough and want to grow, and a good height for looking at. These lovely spring trees, Only $7.97 each.

Bald Cypress trees (Taxodium distichum) grows tall and so tough you'll see them planted in the parking lots and in low areas in the parks. Beautiful yellow to orange fall color before the leaves drop each year. Can be used in a double staggered row as a screen / windbreak. $7.97 each.
Black Locust isn't the tree for everyone -- it's thorny, it thickets, it's happiest at the forest's edge -- but the hardwood is wonderful and the honey is prized. Plus beautiful white pea flower clusters in late spring. Only $7.97, really!!
Wide Brim Hosta, sun tolerant and thick, $7.97 each. Iris germanica bicolor, 2 fan division $7.97. Carex appalachica sedge for part sun, $7.97 each. I got 4 types of sedge available right now: New Zealand orange sedge Carex testacea, New Zealand hair sedge Carex comans 'Amazon Mist', and Carex 'Ice Dance' variegated Japanese sedge. Heat tolerant with some shade.

Left to Right: New Zealand orange sedge Carex testacea, Miscanthus 'Morning Light' maiden grass, Purple fountain grass. Great for summer to fall, in containers or in the ground!
All our perennials are just $7.97 each. Choose from:
Blue Cadet Hosta, heart shaped glowing silver-blue leaves in spring, green leaves in late summer
Wide Brim Hosta, yellow variegated, pretty sun tolerant
So Sweet fragrant Hosta, literally grows in the full-full sun of summer, variegated and the toughest lil hosta ever.
Moonshine Yellow Yarrow
Red Hot Poker Flamenco Mix

All Daylilies are $7.97 each. L to R here are Rosa Bellini, Buttered Popcorn, Misty Bay, and Bumblebee. I have a lot more varieties, it's kind of a problem.

Where is this place? It's a house. 113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129
HUGE $7.97 PLANT SALE Thursday June 22, Friday June 23, Saturday June 24, 2023. Everything must go!
All perennials $7.97 each. Each of these above are in stock and also Obedient Dragonhead Plant, Lemon Verbena, Variegated Thyme, Culinary Sage
Punky Bee Balm is drought tolerant for your pollinator garden. Plant with Argentina Skies anise sage, cannas, yarrow and red hot pokers.
Monarda punctata 'Bee Bop' is a great grower and the plants we have in stock are really nice.

Firewitch Dianthus opened first week of April this year! Cutting on it helps it bloom even more. These pinks are completely tough, increasing in size each year. See below, planted with lamb's ear, paperwhites, yarrow, lyre-leaf sage, echinacea. (And cranesbill, dead nettle and forsythia starts)
All perennials $7.97 each. We grow plants that are going to survive the summer and survive the winter both.

Dianthus includes carnations, cheddar pinks like these, and annuals. These are perennials that come back bigger every year, come and see.
Dianthus Scent First Romance
Dianthus Scent First Sugar Plum
Dianthus Rockin' Red
Dianthus Firewitch
Most of these are in their containers but I'll dig
as well when you see a perennial you like here
in my landscape. For real life!!
All perennials $7.97 each.

ChipDrop achieved...

There are so many different plants here, I can't list them all but let me try some more.
Nice sized shrubs
Fothergilla x Mt Airy Witch Alder only 1'-3' feet! Fall color, early spring bottle brush flowers.
Ozark Witch Hazel, mine is right next to that Autumn Rose iris in bloom. Here's what the flowers look like. Grows in a vase shape like rose of sharon, but is a native plant.
Lynwood Gold forsythia, these grow so quickly and have loud yellow four petals flowers in early spring. Can bring branches inside to force for floristry.

All perennials $7.97 each.
Is everything $7.97? Okay you got me, we do actually have some thornless blackberry, these are 'Ouachita' thornless divisions ready to plant and produce for you next year at $15.97 each. Ouachita berries are sweet, large, and the canes (branches) are erect so they grow up instead of tumbling all around like a bramble. Also 'Columbia Giant' and 'Navaho' thornless blackberries. You can plant just one variety; plant more to extend the season.
Meeker Red Raspberries also only $15.97 each
one more: we have Weeping Yoshino Cherry trees -- gorgeous! $15.97 each. Look!
Autumn Rose tall bearded Iris germanica
'Dark Towers' Penstemon -- dark leaves in sun, or green leaves in shade, tall lavender flowers
'Melting Fire' Heuchera, great for part sun or part shade
All Gold Melissa officinalis Citronella Balm
Echinacea orange gold coneflower
Heuchera americana 'Dale's Strain' shade to part shade, green leaf coral bells

Weeping Yoshino Cherry Tree! Now these are Only $15.97 each. Excellent blooming famous specimen tree and the plants that we have right now are shocking to be priced at $15.97 each. These are staked and you need to continue to stake them to the height you desire, and deep watering every month for the first year until they are established.
Everything else is $7.97!
HUGE $7.97 PLANT SALE -- THIS THURSDAY June 22 - FRIDAY June 23 - SATURDAY June 24, 2023. 10am - 2pm
Where is this place? It's a house. Put this in your maps: Root Shrubs, 113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129
Just one more thing. I'm not kidding when I say everything must go: we're in probate and trying to keep granpa's farm. The 2013 camper trailer is for sale and won't be available long. Great working condition, 2013 Keystone RV Bullet Ultra Lite, $11,900. Our beloved 2011 Nissan LEAF hatchback EV, all-electric, uses a wall outlet, drive in the city for free!), $6880.
We work hard to offer the best plants we can for the price that grow well here in our area. If you have some plant containers around, I'd really appreciate you bringing them when you come to the huge plant sale, so I can reuse the single use plastic.

THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY - SATURDAY, June 22, 23, & 24. 10am - 2pm
113 S.E. 57th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73129
Okay so you're right, everything isn't $7.97.
Y'all asked so now we have HEIRLOOM TOMATO plants $2.97, that's a CRAZY PRICE!
Choose from:
White Cherry
Rutgers Red
Black Prince
Italian Grape
Golden Sunray
Vintage Wine
Just $2.97:
Asparagus 'Jersey Giant'
Strawberries 'FlavorFest'
Asclepias incarnata pink milkweed
Asclepias tuberosa orange milkweed

Willows -- Dappled, twisted, corkscrew, weeping, and Irette basket willow. See the way the sway in the wind, use the branches for basketry (weeping, Irette are best for this but any will work)
Pussy willow, Scarlet Curls sold out for now.
Dappled Willow, Salix 'Hakuro Nishiki' - New growth is really pink and white! Lovely for along your driveway, plant 10' from water lines.
We are closest to the intersection of SE 57th & Shields, but use your GPS thingy because our street sign is down, see?
I have just a handful of American hazelnut left, see size in picture. Probably some seedless grapes, too. 3 or 4 varieties just $7.97 each.

Some pictures from June 2023 (now) of the plant sizes:
Left: Issai compact Japanese beauty berry, June 2023 ***** BEAUTYBERRY SOLD OUT THANK YOU
Middle: Durban canna lily, grows 4' tall for the Jurassic Park aesthetic
Right: Black Locust tree (thorny, will thicket -- grow for honey, wood)
Do we have other plants? Oh yes we sure do! But I am not going to list them all here.
Would you like to know exactly what we have? Get in the car and come see. Some times the Facebook Message thing works but not in spring, it's just TOO busy here!
Don’t call me, don’t message me, I can't see the phone in the sunlight, just come and see.
Yes, we sell $2 seed packets! Choose from:
Red Burgundy Okra
Autumn Beauty Sunflower
Daikon Radish (Sprouting or breaking up clay soil)
Bachelor's Button colorful mix -- like planted in our front beds.
Probably some other varieties too. I just don't remember. Know why? Cause I just forget things. If you're not there yet you will be.

Here's the part where I have to explain that I don't use my phone. Is that too crazy? It doesn't work with my life especially in spring. I know, I know, that's not how Facebook pages works, but in my world my response time is in-person. This is a family business and family comes first.
So what do you do? What are you waiting for? Get in the car and grab mama, she wants some plants too, and come and see. It's a house. Put this in your maps: Root Shrubs, 113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129.
HUGE $7.97 PLANT SALE! 10am - 2pm THU-FRI-SAT June 22-23-24, 2023.
113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129. Cash or card, Paypal or cashapp.