Huge $7.97 Plant Sale!

937 perennials and shrubs must sell this weekend! April 28-29-30, 2023

We have some really nice plants grown for you here in Oklahoma City.

My backyard in 2021
My backyard in 2021

We grow for the wholesale market so the deal is we only have these event plant sales twice a year where everything available is out front retail. Get out here early in the day to get your pick.

EVENT PLANT SALE: APRIL 28, 29, 30, 2023.

113 S.E. 57th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73129

Stachys byzantina
Stachys byzantina

Lambs' Ears, Stachys byzantina when flowering

Hosta 'Wide Brim'
Hosta 'Wide Brim'

Hosta 'Wide Brim'

Add native edible flowering trees to your landscape, easy to grow in OKC are:

- Prunus americana American Plum
- Diospyros virginiana American Persimmon (sugar plum)

American Plum has beautiful early spring flowers with the redbuds (instead of flowering pear!)

Literally all our plants are $7.97. We grow the kinds of plants we want there to be more of in our area. This weekend only, the plants are out for sale in the front yard enjoying the four foot tall inflatable unicorn sprinkler. We made a video about it, it's pretty wackadoo.

SOLD OUT THANK YOU of Hydrangeas

Cut flower Perennials:

Convallaria majus rosea, Pink Muguet
Liatris spicata Purple Blazing Star
Plant Hardy Lily bulbs in the flower bed now for summer flowers!
Lilium 'Mona Lisa' doesn't need staking.

But what about shade, like a lot of shade!

Bergenia and Hosta propagate by division and send out flowers when happy. (Bergenia in Februaryish and Hosta in Augustish, flowers at odd times are GREAT to support honeybees). They can be particular about moisture (yes) and sun (not) requirements but reward both novice and experienced plant parents with lush and full growth in the spring.
I especially like the look of Hosta 'Blue Cadet' heart shaped dusty blue leaves that are heat tolerant with light lavender star balloon flower scapes 2' foot tall.
Hosta 'Wide Brim' has outer yellow variegation fading to cream, a green and golden hosta that can take some sun. $7.97 each
Newly planted are Hosta 'Dream Queen' and Hosta 'Albo picta fortunei'.
Adding some hosta can help support honeybees in August.
Hosta Blue Cadet
Hosta Blue Cadet
Hosta Wide Brim
Hosta Wide Brim

Left to right: Blue Cadet, Blue Mouse Ears, Wide Brim, all sun tolerant hostas for shady areas.

Daylilies do well in sun, even the south side of the house, but have you tried them in shade, too?
I grow several varieties of pink, peach, and apricot colored daylilies.
Don't cut on these - each flower opens for only about a day,
so there is frequently a new bloom every day for months when you stagger varieties.
$7.97, choose from:
Hemerocallis Frans Hals
Mini Pearl
Pardon Me
Buttered Popcorn
Longfield's Wine and Cheese
Kindly Light

Daylilies are edible and carefree.

Weeping Yoshino ornamental cherry tree, Prunus x yedoensis 'Shidare Yoshino'

I have only 14 Weeping Cherry Trees at $7.97, these are treelings and will need to stay staked to keep growing upright as a tree until reaching your desired height. Yoshino Cherry trees flower in pink and live for 50 years or more.

BACK IN STOCK -- Cafe au Lait Dahlia tubers. Beautiful!!

Japanese Maple seedlings

Murray Cypress, 10" tall, ready to plant. Fastest growing evergreen screening tree!

I know it's ridiculous, you can point and laugh at me, but it's just easier for me to keep everything I can at $7.97. These can be installed in the landscape and watered in every month until they are 6' tall, which is probably in 2 years.

Just a few remaining EARLY SPRING flowering plants:
Forsythia - Quince - Moss Phlox
Dappled Willow Salix 'Hakuro Nishiki' puts out beautiful light tricolored new growth $7.97
Redtwig Dogwood, Cornus sericea $7.97

Where is this place? It's a house. We only have two event sales per year on-site at the backyard nursery. Put this into your maps: 113 SE 57th Street., Oklahoma City, OK 73129.

EVENT PLANT SALE: APRIL 28, 29, 30, 2022.

Look for the pink signs leading to the inflatable unicorn sprinkler.

Root Shrubs, 113 SE 57th Street., Oklahoma City, OK 73129. Cash/card, we have guest wifi.